“Empowered by the Holy Spirit, We share our Faith, by Loving and Serving our Neighbor.”
St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and part of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA (SEPA). ​
Sunday worship bulletins can be found for download on the worship page, and On - line worship can be found on Facebook on Sundays.
* Prayer list requests can be emailed to the church office
Bereavement Support Group:
First and Third Wednesday of month in preschool -
​6:30pm - 8:00pm - All are welcomed
Important News & Contact Information
​Sunday worship is in - person and on Facebook!
Worship: 9:00AM led by The Rev. Scott Lee
Call us at:
Church office: (610) 833 - 5788
Preschool: (484) 766 - 3932
Email us at:
Church office: St.matthewwoodlyn1913@gmail.com
Preschool: Stmattswoodlynschool@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook: Facebook link below (Facebook logo)
Preschool is now enrolling! Please call or email to reserve your spot. Please see preschool page for more information. Registration forms are now available on the preschool page and website. For a virtual tour, and all safety steps, please stop by the preschool page and website.